Friday, June 01, 2007

Already Thinking About Next Year

On the extra day off, there isn't a whole lot about the Finals I could possibly write about, so I thought that I'd let everyone know that preparations are already underway for next season's pools. Yes, you read correctly... pool is plural. I'm going to try and run a couple next year... another successful sheet pool, which went over pretty well in the regular season and the playoffs and will hopefully organize a draft and an undisclosed location (as of now) for those who are really keen. I would like to get between 20 and 30 people to get together and draft individual teams... then we'll see who's more superior in their hockey picks.

Everything should be kicking off for the pools come mid-September, but the Hockey Pool Domain will continue to divulge hockey information through the summer... it's gonna be kind of slow at work during the summer, so I'll need something to keep me busy. Ha ha.

If you are in need of a list of players and their stats from this past season, just let me know. I have a pretty up-to-date list of players (present & future) that I can pass out. You can make notes of players you'd like to have now while it's still fresh in your mind, then come September, you'll already be ahead of the game.

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