Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Swiss Have Their Olympic Team Set

Maybe the question for the Swiss in these Olympics should be, "how hot of a goaltender do you need to win this tournament?"  It could be safe to assume that Jonas Hiller will be the guy for Switzerland in Pyeongchang, but Tobias Stephan had a cup of coffee in the NHL (in 2008 & 2009) as well and has also had a long European career.  So, they do have that going for them, right?

Overall, the Swiss have five players that have been drafted into the NHL(Stephan, Cody Almond, Philippe Furrer, Fabrice Herzog and Joel Vermin) another three that have seen some action as undrafted players (Hiller, Simon Moser and Rafael Diaz) and I think it is fair to say that their hockey program is a big point of pride for them, so they will be coming in to make a good impression.

At the last Olympics, the Swiss placed 9th and they have been a staple team at the World Championships as well.  They won't blow the doors off other teams, but they will certainly compete hard.

Player Name POS
Leonardo Genoni G
Jonas Hiller G
Tobias Stephan G
Cody Almond F
Andres Ambuhl F
Simon Bodenmann F
Enzo Corvi F
Gaetan Haas F
Fabrice Herzog F
Denis Hollenstein F
Simon Moser F
Vincent Praplan F
Thomas Rufenacht F
Reto Schappi F
Tristan Scherwey F
Pius Suter F
Joel Vermin F
Eric Blum D
Raphael Diaz D
Felicien Du Bois D
Philippe Furrer D
Patrick Geering D
Romain Loeffel D
Dominik Schlumpf D
Ramon Untersander D

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